Farmers Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair Services, Inc.
“We keep an eye on your equipment so you don;t have to”
Revision #- 008
Revised- 7/01/24
PAYMENT POLICY- We have a very simple payment policy, we come out, you pay that day (especially if a new customer). We take check, cash, Zelle, & CC (we charge 4% to use CC). If you decide not to pay then we have the right to come take our parts off or not finish the work on your machine, &/or keep the items that needed repair for your machine. Generally speaking this is worst case scenario. We are a very honest, open, trustworthy company that isnt huge. We have integrity, & humility. That being said, we hope we never have to abide by our company policies & always have good/positive interactions from our customers, & us to our customers.
STORAGE/ABANDONED PROPERTY/EQUIPMENT- If you bring equipment to our "shop" we will do the work &/or get an estimate. If you decline work after we send estimate/repair order/invoice for the equipment you have 90 days to come pick up the equipment. After 30 days reasonable storage fee's will be applied not more then $25/day (depending on size of machine determines price). After 90 days of non pickup/no communication for scheduling pickup, we will consider it abandoned & have the right to keep it & dispose of it how we see fit. If you fail to COMMUNICATE issues arising (because we understand life happens & can be flexible in certain circumstances) then that is your responsibility, not ours. We do our best to have good communication. Questions? Contact us.
LATE FEE POLICY- We will charge $75 after your invoice is not paid on time. Then every 30 days afterwards. You also agree to pay our attorney's fee's to collect payment if you fail to pay, & any other reasonable collection fee's associated with such collection process. This may include, but not limited to hourly rates for us to pursue collecting payment on invoices/attorneys fee's/collection agency fee's/gas used to meet with attorney &/or collection agency/court fee's/filing fee's/etc.
DISCOUNT POLICY- We no longer offer discounts due to customers not paying/arguing with us about the invoice we send them.
Farmers Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair Services, Inc.
“We keep an eye on your equipment so you don't have to”
Revision #- 008
Revised- 7/04/24
IMPORTANT INFORMATION- Pricing is what it is, we no longer offer discounts. We DO NOT do free estimates!!! We also allow trade basis as well. Meaning if you have an old truck/welder/machine/etc. laying around that you don't want & were interested, we will be happy to trade labor & most likely our service fee (NO PARTS) for the item. You agree to our policies when you hire us. We do mark up our prices like 90% of other business's do.
ESTIMATES- We require parts to be paid upfront, & labor, & other charges we will float until job is done. This generally applies to parts being in excess of $1,000 - $2,500 especially if you are a new customer. Also when we give you an estimate, its just that, an estimate. Meaning it can go up or down in price & not a rock solid price we give you as we dont know what we will find working on your equipment. We will however do our best to stay in communication on pricing increase or any other things we find when working on your equipment. Estimates are required to be signed before work is done. ESTIMATES ARE NOT FREE, if we come out to location we require payment whether you hire us for the job or not. The term/saying of, "You agree to our policies when hired" dosent neccessarilly mean hired for the job. If we come out to location you are hiring our services to do an estimate/quote, hiring us to come & just look at your equipment/"inspect" your equipment/etc. You are still responsible for all charges/services rendered. If for some reason we get on location & cannot get in touch with you & also cannot find the equipment, but reschedule (even if you don't reschedule) YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE TO PAY FOR THE SERVICES RENDERED!!! This can be a verbal or written estimate.
INSURANCE- We are looking into obtaining insurance at this time.
MSDS- MSDS are available upon request.
FIREARMS POLICY- Pro 2A Company, our firearm policy trumps all others firearms policies. We have the right to be safe & protect our lives & our livlihood. We also have a right to protect our business.
We are a Christ centered company.
Farmers Mobile Heavy Equipment Repair Services, Inc.
“We keep an eye on your equipment so you don't have to”
WARRANTY Revision #- 006
Revised- 11/28/23
WARRANTY- All labor has a 6-12 month warranty (depending on what it is) when we provide parts for equipment/machines. If the customer provides parts then we do not offer a warranty. Pictures must be taken of "warrantiable" part/area of machine & sent to us, & description of issue. After we come out & diagnose/inspect issue then we will determine if its an actual warranty claim or something else that caused the issue. We do not warranty electrical work or A/C work. The only exception to this is faulty workmanship which we will warranty no matter what. We still charge a service fee though to come out. If you have any questions on our warranty policy please contact us.
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Howdy ya'll, we sell a bunch of used heavy equipment, parts, new parts, oils, lubes, cleaners, & much, much more. if you dont see what you need, give us a holler at, or (817) 240-2369
*Restrictions apply*